Cost of Living Crisis

Cost of Living Crisis
In October 2022 the Chai in the City Open Group for Punjabi men met virtually to discuss the topic of the Cost of Living Crisis. Here are some reflections from the brilliant team who facilitate and contribute towards those conversations.

After the summer break the Punjabi Men’s Forum returned online, although there was a slight delay due to technical problems, a warm welcome was offered to all that joined.

This month the topic for discussion was ‘the cost-of-living crisis’, a subject impacting us all and the communities around us.

As always, the forum had three questions to help guide the discussions, which looked at how it was affecting us an individual, how we can support each other and how Punjabi institutions support the community.

The group talked very openly about how on a practical level the current cost of living crisis is affecting day to day. There was also conversation about the hopes and fears of the current situation. There was an acknowledgement of how this linked with our wellbeing.

As a group there was some very practical tips shared as well as sharing of current strategies at managing the rising costs. There was also a discussion how often the talking about struggling with finances can be a difficult conversation and how often culturally this sometimes is perceived as weakness or failure not to be managing, and how we can support these within our conversations.

There was a recognition that whilst there were challenges in the community around the financial crisis there was also some cultural strengths including how we cook and how there is collective approach to sharing the opportunities of food and shelter. We recognised that expanding these offers to all within the community and perhaps sensitively extending the hand to those who may not always feel able to step forward to ask for help.

The forums are a great safe place to explore issues that have an impact either directly or indirectly to our wellbeing. Participating in the facilitated spaces are a great opportunity to share and hear about a range of subjects, and we are always keen to hear from participants about subjects for future forums.

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