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Frequently Asked Questions


Do Taraki offer therapy or other mental health support?

Taraki does not offer any clinical interventions for mental health. While we focus on awareness, education, peer support and research, we do not deliver clinical help. If you are seeking clinical help you can look online or connect with your health system.


Will Taraki translate mental health resources for me?

While we have a bank of translated resources, these have largely not been created by Taraki. Individual translation requests will be discussed on an ad hoc basis and there is no guarantee that we can help with translation.


What do I do if I am in immediate need of help?

If you are in immediate need of support please access the relevant mental health services in your area. If you pose a danger to yourself or others please call the emergency services using the number for your country.


What do Taraki do?

If you are reading this then you are likely on our website. Please take a look around the website to understand what we do. Our work spans across media, training, peer support, research and policy. You can take a look at our social media if you want to see more of our day-to-day activities.


How do I work with Taraki?

With a large volunteer team, we recruit only when we need particular skills. Therefore, any volunteering or work opportunities will be displayed on our social media and website. Please feel free to apply if appropriate when positions are available.


Frequently Asked Questions


Do Taraki offer therapy or other mental health support?

Taraki does not offer any clinical interventions for mental health. While we focus on awareness, education, peer support and research, we do not deliver clinical help. If you are seeking clinical help you can look online or connect with your health system.


Will Taraki translate mental health resources for me?

While we have a bank of translated resources, these have largely not been created by Taraki. Individual translation requests will be discussed on an ad hoc basis and there is no guarantee that we can help with translation.


What do I do if I am in immediate need of help?

If you are in immediate need of support please access the relevant mental health services in your area. If you pose a danger to yourself or others please call the emergency services using the number for your country.


What do Taraki do?

If you are reading this then you are likely on our website. Please take a look around the website to understand what we do. Our work spans across media, training, peer support, research and policy. You can take a look at our social media if you want to see more of our day-to-day activities.


How do I work with Taraki?

With a large volunteer team, we recruit only when we need particular skills. Therefore, any volunteering or work opportunities will be displayed on our social media and website. Please feel free to apply if appropriate when positions are available.