This evaluation centres on the Mixy and Chill programme, a movement initiated as a collaboration between Taraki and Soho Tavern Group of gastro pubs focusing on Punjabi and South Asian cuisine.
Taraki engages in knowledge translation activities which focus on making research more accessible to positively impact community mental health. This literature summary presents a scoping exercise on depression and Punjabi communities.
Taraki collaborated with Faith Action to host a workshop on Suicide Prevention and Sikh Communities to inform resources for health and social care workers. This report presents the key insights from the discussions.
We conducted a literature review to understand the existing approaches to peer support for Punjabi men to help inform the development of our peer support training for Punjabi men.
We conducted four interviews and undertook a thematic analysis to understand the relationships between Punjabis, faith and well-being.
In our first Zine with Expert by Experience, we covered the topic of social isolation and loneliness across a range of South Asian perspectives.
We conducted some research to understand mental health provision - its availability and adequacy - for Punjabi communities in the UK.
This groundbreaking research provides is a window into mental well-being across Punjabi communities during COVID-19 and lockdown
This programme evaluation focuses on a peer support programme for Punjabi students after heightened challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This evaluation considers a 12-month intervention undertaken to support communities through mental health and faith during the COVID-19 pandemic.